Thursday, May 15, 2014

Improving Billet Assignments: CMS-ID


Last month we implemented significant improvements to the CMS-ID enlisted assignment process, specifically the Cross Assignment (CA) process and associated policies.

These improvements include almost doubling the number of billet opportunities for Sailors as assignments are correlated to a six-month PRD window; extending the application phase to four-weeks to allow you more time to review open billets; allowing you to submit up to seven applications per cycle; and adding a "Request Local Assignment" functionality so that you can apply for local billets.

There are also other improvements that will allow career counselors of CA and In Assignment Processing (IAP) Sailors to submit applications for local billets on their behalf and a one-week period designated specifically for a command ranking and comment phase.

It was your feedback which prompted establishing a working group to review the cross assignment process and provide recommendations to improve the process and maximize efficiency, training and support. The new process allows us to put the "right Sailor with the right skills" into billets that best support the gaining command.

As with all improvements this is not an end-all solution but an on-going process that will not only need the support of various stakeholders but also feedback on how it is working. Stakeholders include supported commands, the leadership of Training Unit Identification Codes (TRUIC), Unit Mobilization Unit Codes (UMUIC), and Navy Operational Support Centers (NOSC), and YOU.

Cross assignment policies and processes, expectation management and constant proactive communications are absolutely critical to effectively executing our missions with prepared and empowered Sailors. These improvements will allow us to manage cross assignments more effectively and efficiently, and represents an important investment in our Sailors and ability to execute the missions of the Navy.

Your feedback is vital to the improvement of all of our processes. Keep sending them in. We’re listening!



* For more information visit the N12 website, or contact your NOSC career counselor, N1/manpower department or Reserve unit career counselor.



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