Thursday, August 29, 2013

Investing in Leadership Training 365 Days a Year

Greetings Shipmates, and congratulations to all of our new Chief selectees!  While I know the next few weeks will be challenging, I'm sure that you will find the training rewarding and will continue to work hard to serve our Sailors and the Navy Reserve.

It is important that we always strive to improve ourselves, our Sailors and our Force.  Our Selected Reserve Sailors in particular face logistical and time-based challenges, yet you always manage to perform and succeed.  The concept behind the CPO-365 training program, to provide meaningful leadership training year-round, is one we are already on board with.

There is value in making leadership training an integral part of everything we do. I believe this approach is nothing new to the Navy Reserve.  You impact your Sailors every time you interact with them.  You influence and teach them during every drill weekend, training evolution and during mission operations.  If the tremendous job you are already doing is any indication, I know you will continue implementing this program with success.
It is vitally important to our Force that we train and mentor the Sailors who will be the future of our Navy Reserve year round.  Our Sailors need to be prepared to step in to the shoes of their leaders and execute the mission.  We need competent and confident leaders throughout all ranks and to accomplish that, we must be committed and dedicated to developing those leaders at every opportunity and every occasion.

We also need our leaders to have the knowledge and resources to provide the right guidance and direction to their Sailors. Our Sailors must know and our rich heritage to appreciate it - our timeless traditions and the names of the men, women and conflicts that brought us to where we are today.  The CPO 365 program is designed to offer that. It is a guide to ensure the right people share their knowledge, experience and our Navy heritage on a regular basis.

So congratulations again to our newly selected Chiefs. My words to you are to remain humble, and to always do the right thing . and after those anchors are pinned on, go back and continue to train and develop the next generation of leaders.


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