Friday, May 30, 2014

Motorcycle Safety: How Not to Hit the Pavement at Top Speed

Greetings Shipmates,

Keeping our Sailors safe and healthy is a priority for all of us in the Navy Reserve, and it’s important that we remind each other to act responsibly and ensure everyone has a great summer.  With that being said, please read the Motorcycle Safety blog below, courtesy of the CNRFC Safety Office.  Encourage everyone at your command to read it and share the information.  We’ll be talking more about summer safety over the next couple months so stay tuned and stay safe!!!!!

Did you know that 46% of all motorcycle accidents occur at intersections, and that three motorcyclists are killed every day in the U.S.?
It’s a fact that as the sunny days of summer approach the number of motorcyclists on the roads increases.  Motorcycle safety isn’t just for motorcyclists. Whether on a bike or in a car, it’s important that we all stay safe and do what we can to reduce these numbers.
If you operate a motor vehicle, watch out for motorcyclists, don’t tailgate and always look twice before switching lanes.  Leave room for mistakes and USE YOUR SIGNALS!

For those on bikes, the best way to avoid becoming the next statistic is to pay attention to your surroundings, obey road signs and laws and use all the recommended personal protective equipment which includes: 
·         Wearing a helmet! A helmet increases your chance of surviving a motorcycle accident by 29 percent.  Make sure it holds a federal standard rating by looking for the Department of Transportation label on the helmet.
·         Protective Clothing. Riders and passengers should wear a long-sleeved shirt or jacket, long trousers, and full-fingered gloves or mittens designed for use on a motorcycle. Motorcycle jackets constructed of abrasion resistant materials such as leather, Kevlar, and or Cordura and containing impact-absorbing padding are highly recommended. To enhance the ability of other vehicle operators to see and avoid motorcyclists, outer garments constructed of brightly colored, fluorescent or reflective materials are highly recommended.   It’s important, as a motorcyclist, to be seen. A high percentage of accidents occur because the driver of the other vehicle did not see the rider in time to avoid the crash.   Wearing bright colors including neon and/or reflective vests help other vehicles see you, especially at night.
·         Eye protection.  Visibility is not only important on the road but in order to maintain good vision, eye protection while riding is a must.  Dust, random stones and other debris can be extremely harmful to your eyes. Protect them!
·         Foot Protection. Sturdy over the ankle footwear that affords protection for the feet and ankles shall be worn.
Approximately 80 percent of reported motorcycle crashes result in injury or death; a comparable figure for automobiles is about 20 percent.  Don’t become part of the statistic!

Motorcycle safety is everyone’s responsibility! Talk to your Sailors, family members and friends about motorcycle safety. Let’s make this the summer with the least motorcycle accidents yet!  


Cecilia Daley
CNRF Safety Director

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