Readiness begins at home. We have to support the families at home just as much as their deployed Sailor. NOSC Tucson gets it, and thanks to their proactive and innovative approach they have been selected as the 2012 Reserve Family Readiness Award winner.
How'd they do it? NOSC Tucson developed a family support program that takes care of Sailors the moment they walk onto the quarterdeck and equally as important, they establish 100% contact with the families. When a Sailor deploys, NOSC Tucson continues to reach out to both the Sailor and the family so any problems are tackled sooner rather than later. This approach is a complete team effort --- from the most junior Petty Officer to the Commanding Officer --- the CO personally wrote and sent more than 387 hand-written letters of support to all mobilized Sailors and their families. That's the commitment and personal touch that drives a successful family readiness program. Well done, and well deserved NOSC Tucson!
I want to share more good news, this time from the great state of Michigan. I recently visited NOSC Battle Creek and was on hand for the ribbon cutting as they opened their new facilities. Besides the impressive new digs, I was most struck by the spirit of cooperation permeating this outstanding NOSC. Located on Ft Custer Training Center, they work hand in hand with multiple services and have established valuable partnerships. The sense of community in Battle Creek is second to none, and they are truly to be commended for fostering strong relationships both with our sister services and in the community.
Do you have any stories about how your NOSC has demonstrated a similar level of excellence either supporting deployed Sailors and their families, or building partnerships in the community? Let me know, I'd like to recognize them in this public forum.
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