Greetings Shipmates,
As we prepare to celebrate our 238th Independence Day, I’d
like everyone to take a moment to reflect on the inspiration and idealism of
those who laid the foundation for the country and society we are today. On July 4, 1776, 56 men representing 13
colonies approved the final draft of our nation’s Declaration of Independence,
formally declaring their separation from Great Britain, the establishment of 13
sovereign states and the establishment of the United States of America. Few
would dispute that these determined men altered the future of this country, and
the world.
These men had great faith in what our country could become. They embodied
the same characteristics and convictions I see every day in our Navy Reserve
Sailors, and throughout our military.
They, like you, are Patriots.
Many of you have traveled to foreign soil to support both fleet and
joint forces. You stand ready and willing to defend our nation and its citizens
at a moment’s notice, and protect those who have no one to defend them. As members of the Navy Reserve, you
make sacrifices every day to support the same values and convictions of those
men who stood up together against tyranny over two centuries ago.
You should all be proud of your service and patriotism.
I wish you all the best as we get ready for our country’s 238th
birthday. Enjoy the fireworks,
barbeques and time with your family and friends. As always, be safe, be responsible and look out for each
Have a great 4th of July holiday!